Friday, 19 April 2013

Tricky John H Vs R. U. Doubble-D

Opposition in da house, …….of representatives bellows Peter Garrett (or rather an actor portraying him) in this funny rap clip from the Rudd/Howard election battle in 2007 that was created by the Axis of Awesome, an Australian comedy act (pictured below) consisting of Jordan Raskopoulos, Benny Davis and Lee Naimo, three very funny and talented comedians.

                                           Photo courtesy of

The portrayal of John Howard as a confident shoe-in for the election only to falter towards the end of the ‘8-mile’ type rap battle and offer the role to Peter Costello (who changes the tone of the clip with a piano melody) is hilarious, as is the ‘in touch’, Chinese speaking mother Rudder, Kevin Rudd with Peter Garrett in constant close orbit.

The Axis of Awesome highlighted a few recognisable traits of both Howard and Rudd, Howard with his penchant for wearing the green and gold tracksuit and Rudd with his social media savvy, but they also highlighted the principal election promise that Rudd went to battle on, the rollback of work choices.

The clip was made prior to the 07 election, and obviously without the foresight of the Gillard challenge that was to come (she is introduced as ‘Gilly’ towards the end of the clip), and the video espouses Kevin’s return in 2011.

I look forward to similar videos in the lead up to the looming election this year, they make an often dull topic somewhat enjoyable, particularly during the onslaught of the political advertisements that bombard our screens in the lead up to the election.

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